
We are four foodie friends Debra, Deb, Simona and Claudia who are also ardent readers. We take turns hosting COOK THE BOOKS, a bimonthly book club/blog event that focuses on a different foodcentric book each round. We discuss each book and cook something inspired by our reading in our blog posts, which are then rounded up and posted here. 

Debra has been blogging since 2009.  She is a high school principal who hasn't totally decided what she wants to be when she grows up but has a long list of things she wants to accomplish after she retires (which is imminent). Eliot’s Eats was first established to celebrate all things local and to jump on the locavore bandwagon. Today the blog has morphed into simple homemade food and gardening  with a bit of travel thrown in when possible. Debra and The Hubs live outside Tulsa, Oklahoma with the blog’s namesake, Eliot the Cat (named after T.S.).

Deb’s blog, Kahakai Kitchen is written in Honolulu, Hawaii. Kahakai is the Hawaiian word for beach, a favorite spot for Deb when she isn’t cooking (and it also went well with Kitchen!)  Deb had been visiting Hawaii regularly for work and then moved there in 2001. She's going on nine years of blogging and her blog focuses on good (mostly healthy) food and trying new things, new foods and unusual ingredients. She tries to take advantage of the local foods and cuisine whenever possible but her blog goes round the globe in cooking style and recipes. Deb is a voracious reader and hoarder of books and cookbooks and is always looking for new ideas and recipes. Deb works as an HR consultant when she isn't cooking, reading or reviewing books. Come by anytime for some good food and a dash of Aloha!

Simona is an Italian transplant in California, and her blog, Briciole, combines her love of language, food, photography and reading, with a healthy dose of home cheesemaking. In addition to her hosting duties here at Cook the Books, she cohosts a semi-annual blog event, Novel Food, that rounds up blog posts about all the different books that other bloggers are reading and which culminate in something wonderful out of the kitchen. Besides food writing, Simona writes non-fiction, memoir and poetry.

Claudia has been blogging for the past nine years, and her blog, Honey From Rock, is written from her home on the Big Island of Hawaii, where she writes about some of the things she loves - reading, food and sustainable tropical gardening.  She loves trying new recipes from all over the world, cooking with as well as preserving what grows in their gardens.  She and her husband have a real estate company, though Claudia considers herself semi-retired, just taking care of paying bills and overseeing a few rentals, 3 mornings a week.  This leaves some time for the rest of life, books, dabbling, making wine, jam, syrup, chocolate, etc. etc.


Megan said...

Hi ladies!

I found you via Deb's blog via TLC Book Tours (which I participate in). I wanted to invite you to check out my blog, The Hungry Bookworm, in which I also combine my loves of food and cooking! I just thought it was fun that we had similar blogs and passions and thought I would say hi!

I'll plan to stop by yours more often, and hope you'll all be visitors to mine as well. :)

Megan @ The Hungry Bookworm

Simona Carini said...

Thank you Megan for stopping by and for your comment. Always good to know about other avid readers and cooks :)

Zabeena said...

How can I subscribe? xx

Simona Carini said...

Hi Zabeena and thank you for stopping by our blog. There are some options on the home page, though we need to review them as I know that FeedBurner is about to undergo substantial changes. However, we publish posts on our blog at predictable times, so it is easy to keep track. We just published the announcement of the current edition and in the next few days we will publish the roundup of the previous edition. The current edition lasts until the end of July. At the beginning of August we will publish the roundup and the announcement, etc. I hope this is helpful. We welcome new participants: I hope you will join us.

Suzanne Lo Coco said...

Hi Debra, Deb, Simona, & Claudia,
I came across you fantastic blog and thought you and your followers may be interested in my newly published memoir, Secret Dough, Coming of Age in a Sicilian-American Restaurant Family. The intersections between food and culture are peppered throughout, and illustrated in seven recipes with their own stories within the story.
I invite you to check out my website: lococosecretdough.com
If you like what you see, I'd be happy to send you a copy of the book to review for your blog.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Suzanne Lo Coco
lococosecretdough@gmail.com or slocodilo@gmail.com

Simona Carini said...

Hi Suzanne, thank you for stopping by our blog. Congratulations on your book's publication!
At Cook the Books, we bring together our passions for reading and cooking, and share them with the club's followers. Anybody can participate in our every-other-month event by reading the book selection and publishing one or more recipes inspired by it. We take turns in selecting books that have some connection with food and can be borrowed from local libraries or are easily available for purchase.