Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Our June/July Book Pick," Scarlet Feather" by Maeve Binchy

Our selection for this next round of Cook the Books Club is Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchy,  one of my all-time favorite authors, though sadly no longer with us.  Acch!!  No more new books.  Having read all of them, mostly in order, I decided to start over, beginning with our current selection, as it promised more culinary potential, and which upon re-reading, seemed totally new to me.  There was so much that I didn't remember, and most all great writers can be re-read with enjoyment, I'm sure.

Binchy is an Irish novelist, short story writer, playwright, columnist, and public speaker, known for her sympathetic and frequently humorous portrayal of both Dublin and small-town life in Ireland, her unique and descriptive characters, her interest in human nature, and her often clever surprise endings.  Her novels, which were translated into 37 languages, sold more than 40 million copies worldwide, and her death at age 73, announced by Vincent Browne on Irish television late on July 30th 2012, was mourned as the death of Ireland's best-loved and most recognizable writer.  

Scarlet Feather portrays a pair of ambitious young chefs, friends from cooking school, who are set on opening their own catering company in Dublin.  The book focuses more on the various relationships between Tom and Cathy, their significant others, family and  friends; and how the main characters deal with extreme adversity, than on food in particular, though enough mentions are present throughout to give us all cooking inspiration.  Apologies, for those who dislike longish books, but trust me, Binchy delivers a totally absorbing read.

Just to encourage you, they are successful, and though tragedy strikes the culinary pair, they pull through, surviving, changing and growing along the way. 

Submissions for this round of Cook The Books are due by end-of-the-day, Sunday, July 31, 2016.  Anyone can join in by reading the current selection, preparing a dish inspired by its contents, and writing about it.  Let me know when your entry post is up by commenting on this post and/or sending me an email to: claudiariley@yahoo.com

New to Cook the Books? Check out our About and Guidelines pages or leave a question in the comments on this post. 

Aloha, Claudia


A Day in the Life on the Farm said...

I listened to this book on tape, over 20 hrs and worth every minute of it!! Thanks Claudia.

Deb in Hawaii said...

Looking forward to this one Claudia. I have not read a Binchy novel in years and years and for some reason, I never read Scarlett Feather. ;-)

Simona Carini said...

Thank you Claudia for choosing a book from an author I have never read. I also like Ireland.

Debra Eliotseats said...

It has been a LONG time since I read any Binchy, like 1990 and A Circle of Friends. I'm a little over halfway through.

Amy said...

Thanks for hosting Claudia! My post, Summer Salad Sandwich, is up! http://www.amyscookingadventures.com/2016/06/summer-salad-sandwich.html

Tina said...

I've read every book she's authored, love Maeve Binchy. It was indeed a sad day when she died. Just picked up my copy and will revisit this story.

Debra Eliotseats said...

Hey, Claudia. Welcome and great pick to begin your hosting deities. Mine will be up on July 20. http://eliotseats.com/2016/07/20/chicago-style-…a-in-a-skillet/

Deb in Hawaii said...

I'm posted!


Thanks for hosting Claudia--it was fun to dig into a Binchy book again.

Tina said...

Hello all. I have made a landlocked Paella for my representative dish. My post may be found here:

Thanks very much for hosting this book, Claudia. I have always been a big fan of Maeve Binchy and it was a pleasure reading her work again.

Simona Carini said...

It looks like I managed to bring up the rear this time. Here's my contribution: http://www.pulcetta.com/2016/07/recipe-rhubarb-berbere-cranberry-beans-borlotti.html

I enjoyed the novel a lot, Claudia: thank you for hosting!

Tina said...

I didn't see my comment so I apologize if this is a repeat. I did my review at Novel Meals. Here's my link:
